Posted by: jhike | November 13, 2009

Grocery Shopping

Jason was at a golf tournament with a buddy today, both kids were at school, and I went on a grocery shopping bonanza!  When you go to 4 different stores, it is a bonanza.  Now BEFORE you call me crazy…one store is about 2.5 miles from my house, the others are within a mile, and right next to each other.  And while, it may still seem a bit extreme, I was able to cover all our meals, some extras to make for the freezer, and a few baking supplies for the week, and some cleaning supplies/household goods,  (actually some things will last much longer) for the week for $80!  Woohoo!!! 

I got it all done, and put away, and some straightening done around the house before I picked up Brady from school.  AND-this was his 2nd day in a row of staying ‘clean and dry’ at school.  We beelined to Target for an inexpensive reward to celebrate!  Maybe the ‘regression’ period is ending. 

The weather is awesome here.  It is just crushing to me that the chiropractor said ‘no running’ otherwise I’d be hitting the street tomorrow morning.  We’ll definately be outside doing something though.  Maybe Jason will be up for pulling the Christmas stuff out of the attic.  I am SO ready!

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